New York Graywater Regulations
Subject: NY greywater regulations
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001
From: Art Ludwig
To: dave dersham <davedersham©>
Dave from Saratoga Springs, New York writes regarding
building a greywater system in the woods. The environment
is Adirondack woods, 65" rainfall per year, elev. 400 ft.
The soil is sandy. His goal is to use well or rain water.
There is a primitive cabin already on the site.
> Wondering about NY state GW regulations. How to look up.
> Perhaps the county is more appropriate.
> Thanks,
> Dave Dersham
I believe NY is about to switch to the International
Plumbing Code appendix C. This code has some serious
defects, as does it's predecessor. Refer to IPC improvements
You'd be better off doing an "experimental" system if
possible, or not getting a permit.
Good luck,
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