Water Information Central
Understanding the water cycle, natural water purification, water quality, and water conservation. Design of ecological systems for water supply: gravity feed water systems, hydroelectric systems, rainwater harvesting.
Directory to water info on Oasisdesgin.net—
- Water Storage-book—Designing, building and maintaining tanks and ponds; sustainably managing groundwater, how to make ferro cement tanks.
- Wild water wisdom-article—Understand
how natural purification in the wilderness works, and you'll be able to design
any water or wastewater system better.
- Water Conservation Central
- Stormwater
- Rainwater harvesting
- Water testing-download
- Fecal coliform counts—Fecal coliform bacteria counts and what they really mean about water quality
- Eco village house—A design example featuring rainwater from seasonal waterfall for household use and hydroelectric power, from roofs for drinking
- Indigenous community—A design example: water supply for a Mexican village
- Slow sand filters
- Water Q&A
- Water links
- Consulting—Water system design, integrated with all other systems-wastewater, edible landscaping, efficient fixtures, space and hot water heating systems etc. Wilderness hot springs resorts a specialty.
- Understanding water class
- Nature & balance gallery—Pictures from places with exceptional natural waters (slow page, lots of pix)